As the best IAS coaching centre In Chennai, we continuously tell candidates that this lockdown is a golden chance. There are two months left for the CSE Prelims in October 2020. In those 60 days and 1400 hours, they can do a lot to prepare for the examination. With that in mind, we offer some useful insights on how to manage the time and strategies to revise better!
The Best IAS Coaching Centre Suggests Creating A Classroom At Home
The first step to studying for CSE Prelims as per any top IAS coaching centre in Chennai is to recreate a classroom at home. With online classes and recorded lectures, it is easy to do.
- Fix a table and chair and use it to study online.
- The benefit is that you can view the same lecture N number of times until you grasp a concept!
Once you have set up a “classroom” in your home, observe these tricks for better learning:
Divide your subjects.
- Pick the subjects you know you can finish faster.
- Then divide your revision time around them.
Don’t plan on revising everything.
- While 60 days is enough, it isn’t sufficient to revise everything.
- So, don’t plan on revising everything.
- Stick to concepts and topics that are asked frequently.
- Any extra study time should be spent on current affairs.
You don’t have to study continuously for all 60 days, but you do need to manage time smartly. Some spare time management tips by experts at our IAS coaching institute are:
- The best bet is to allot 8 hours a day for studies.
- When you are not studying, i.e. spare time, watch YouTube videos.
- There are tons of videos on the history and geography of South India and beyond.
- They will aid in learning and revising.
Stress Management Insights For The Last 60 Days!
As experienced Ias Coaching Centre In Chennai, we know that as the time comes near the IAS exam date aspirants tend to panic and stress. Given the current scenario where most students are living alone in a hostel room or stuck within the four walls of their home, anxiety can shoot up even further.
Use these stress management strategies to help keep your mind focused and where it belongs – the Prelims:
- Technology is a great tool. Since you can’t revise in physical groups, use WhatsApp or video calling apps to make digital groups.
- They will help you study better and keep your mind off the anxiety.
- Take breaks. Constantly studying burdens your mind and makes you dull, which makes you panic. So, keep small intervals where you take a walk around the house or have tea.
- Find out what causes you to panic the most and then stay away from it. For example, if it is people telling you that only X number of days are left for the exam, ask them to stop saying it!
Remember, panic and stress are not your friends. A calm mind learns much faster and retains more.
Winning Strategies By The Best IAS Coaching Centre In Chennai
Now that the basic tips on revising and stress management are out of the way, let’s move on to the heavy stuff – how to make the most of the available time. In other words, what is the winning strategy for Prelims 2020?
As a leading IAS coaching centre in Chennai, we know that each student learns in their own way. It is why the same strategy doesn’t fit each student. To that end, we offer you three different ways to make the most of your preparation time.
- Winning Strategy 1
The basic books for UPSC preparation are NCERT from class six to twelve. Two months is not enough time to cover them all. Over and above, these are just the foundation. There are more books and material that you need to study. So, find a way to learn the text faster. One great trick is to use Chinmaya’s easy to learn online study material. They are free and will help you cover NCERT in no time!
- Winning Strategy 2
You need a minimum of 66 marks in the General Studies Paper 2 to clear Prelims, irrespective of how high you score in Paper 1. So do not overlook CSAT, especially if it is your weakness. Prepare for it well. If you have been consistently scoring 100 on CSAT mocks, then you can safely ignore this strategy. Remember the keyword is consistency!
- Winning Strategy 3
Pareto’s principle works in many areas of life, including making the most of IAS preparation time. Follow the 80-20 rule, i.e., put the most effort in the 20% area that brings the 80% result for you!
Follow these insights, tips and strategies, and you’ll pass the prelims with flying colours.
Common Mistakes Committed by Every UPSC CSE Aspirants
The applicants make many mistakes in the UPSC exams which results in scoring fewer marks in the exams. Though the preparation can be stressing and taxing mentally, preparing beforehand and strictly following the strategy would make one reach for success. There are many students even after preparing really hard, ends up failing in the exam. So, a flexible and well-designed plan is the only key to achieve success in the most difficult exams. The target work will help in improving your performance and will give you a boost of head start in the prelims exams. Scholars from popular magazine have collected such mistakes committed by candidates to enable IAS aspirants to avoid such mistakes in future.